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Brave Magazine 


Brave Magazine is a free online publication by Click here to learn more about Brave Magazine, our staff or how to become an advertiser. Click on the cover of our latest issue to view the flipbook or scroll down for links to individual articles. Previous articles and issues are available here. Advertiser slides are linked to their website.


Crater of Diamonds

Crater of Diamonds

Looking to get rich quick? Don’t mind getting a little mud on your boots? Well then, this natural state destination might be the one for you! At first glance, Crater of Diamonds State Park doesn’t look like much, but the 37.5 acre field in Murfreesboro, Arkansas warrants a closer look. Dig a little deeper, and you might find a diamond from this one-of-a-kind state park.

Gratitude Cafe

Gratitude Cafe

When you think about war, what comes to mind? Soldiers? Tanks? Guns? I’m going to go out on a limb and say “hospitality” probably was not the first thing you thought of.

Gratitude Takes Practice

Gratitude Takes Practice

Young people often ask me, “What was your favorite age?” My answer is always the same, “Now.” As I grow older, I enjoy the wisdom that comes from experience, the peace that comes from a life well lived, and the gratitude that comes from practice.

The Story Behind the Banner

The Story Behind the Banner

The Ukrainian Flag consists of two equal size horizontal bands of light blue and yellow. Since the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Ukrainian flag has become a prominent symbol across the globe. Adorning everything from private homes to government offices, the banner reflects support for the embattled country from every part of the world. But what’s the story behind the brilliant blue and gold banner?

Balance Babes

Balance Babes

Meet two “Balanced Babes” Bridget Shinn and her daughter Hillary Downey who, have recently been in the national spotlight for their successful weight loss program called, Balance by Hillary. Their struggles and stories are those of countless other women. In their Up In Your Business (UIYB) interview Bridget refers to herself as a lifelong “chronic fad dieter”, while daughter Hilary’s weight gain didn’t come until after her first pregnancy.

Balance Bros

Balance Bros

Meet Cole Rodgers, founder of the School of Man (SOM). What a great name for a 12-week mental and physical toughness planner that claims to build leaders, strengthen family ties, and help you win mentally, physically, and financially. They even tout that it will improve your sex life. This claim sounds like a love language and lesson for men folk who often find no place in our civilized world for what Cole calls, their warrior spirit.



Wherever you stand on the issue of guns, one thing is certain. Most young boys who, like me, grew up in the 50’s, absolutely loved them. Cowboy cap guns. Army rifles. Water pistols. Anything with a barrel and a trigger was an essential piece of our daily equipment. Growing up on Long Island as a fan of Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Tom Corbett and others, it was all about ray guns for me.

Chile Pepper: Broadcasting Food, Culture, and Diversity

Chile Pepper: Broadcasting Food, Culture, and Diversity

When I think of the word “broadcasting”, my mind does not immediately conjure television, radio, antennae etc. like it might for many readers. Rather, I first think of a freshly prepared agricultural field and a farmer scattering seed, either by hand or behind an industrial-sized tractor. Having spent the entirety of my career in academia, I have been trained to consider my words deeply and use them with intention. Thus, I went back to the definition of this word, “broadcast”.

Brave Voices

Brave Voices

When my boss, Kerry McCoy, started her radio show Up In Your Business in 2016, my team and I were nervous. We were not trained for radio. Kerry was considerably more nervous than we were. Though she’s grown to be a great speaker, this was new territory for her, too. She bravely put her voice out to the radio listeners and focused on her guest. Today, she has over 300 podcast episodes to listen to with a plethora of guests and topics to choose from.

Fun with Flags: The Flag of Bhutan

Fun with Flags: The Flag of Bhutan

Frequently, the flags of countries depict a symbol of the country. The Canada flag has a maple leaf. The South Korea flag features the yin-yang symbol. Countless flags have stars. But one of the most distinctive symbols on any world flag must be the dragon at the center of Bhutan’s flag. Why a dragon?

Morning Mojo

Morning Mojo

When I was a kid, I asked my dad if I could take a sip of his coffee. At the time, I couldn’t understand the appeal of his bitter “dirty water.” As a grown up, it took several years before I would attempt to try coffee, again. Now, like my father, I ingest my daily fuel - er, coffee - with relish

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noun: brave | 1.a brave person. | meet or face courageously:to brave misfortunes. | defy; challenge | 4.ready to face and endure danger or pain | 5. Magazine created by to share inspirational stories 

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